It's easier than you might expect to figure out, for any given date*, its day of the week. The Doomsday method takes just a few steps:

  • Remember a key "doomsday" for each century: Tuesday for 2000, Wednesday for 1900, Friday for 1800, Sunday for 1700.
  • Use this plus a quick computation to find the doomsday for any given year. For example, the doomsday for 2024 is Thursday. See below for details.
  • Remember some convenient monthly doomsdays. 4/4, 6/6, 8/8, 10/10, and 12/12 are always doomsdays, as are 5/9, 9/5, 7/11, 11/7, 3/0, 2/0 or 2/1, and 1/3 or 1/4. For example 2024-06-06 was a Thursday. Again, see below for details.
  • Put this all together, in an order that works for you, to find the day of the week for any date you're interested in.

This quiz helps you improve your speed, by prompting you with random dates, and letting you know how fast you were. It also shows a Doomsday-method derivation of the answer, each time.

If you like, you can configure the prompt to appear only briefly, so you won't be tempted to stare at it as a crutch; or to use synthesized speech instead of text.

* but let's stick to the Gregorian calendar


Some monthly doomsdays
1/3 (common years)
1/4 (leap years)
7/4, 7/11
2/0 (common years)
2/1 (leap years)
3/0, 3/14
4/410/10, 10/31
6/612/12, 12/26
Year XXYY (via "odd+11")
If YY is odd, add 11;
else leave it alone.
Then divide by 2.

If the result is odd, add 11;
else leave it alone.

Subtract this many days
from XX00's doomsday.
This is XXYY's doomsday.

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